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ADB shell အတြက္ အေျခခံ Linux commands မ်ား
ADB ဆိုတာ Android Debug Bridge ကိုေျပာတာပါ။ အဲဒီမွာ linux commands ေတြသံုးပါတယ္ အေျခခံေလးေတြ ရွာေတြလို႔ေပးလိုက္တယ္။ DOS သံုးတတ္သူမ်ားစမ္းသံုးၾကည့္လို႔ရပါတယ္။ ADB စမ္းနည္းေတြ Inshalla ထပ္တင္ေပးမယ္။
cd - changes directories - works through stock android toolbox - cd /system/app
ls - lists all files in the directory - works through stock android toolbox - ls /system/app/
cat - copies files - works through stock android toolbox - cat /system/app/Test.apk > /sdcard/Test.apk
rm - removes files - works through stock android toolbox - rm /system/app/Test.apk
mv - moves files from one location to another - works through stock android toolbox - mv /system/app/Test.apk /sdcard/Test.apk
cp - copies files - functions similar to cat - uses busybox installed by
the into recovery mode - cp /system/app/Test.apk
mount - loads the file system (usually auto loaded except sometimes in recovery) - mount /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
unmount - unloads the file system - umount /system